ICE-FRANCE actions in the economic sector are divided into two parts: Support for trade policies of States (legislative harmonization, trade facilitation) and Support for local initiatives in a social inclusion perspective (ICE-FRANCE participates to promote a bottom-up approach, by creating good conditions to encourage social investment for sustainable and inclusive growth, in accordance with ODD).
Support mutli-actors involved in economic development, Coordination of actors, Local Development
ICE-FRANCE supports Countries in their harmonisation process according to international standards, including ODD covering the period 2015-2030 and . ICE-FRANCE is also involved in promoting the sustainability of local development in its operations that cover these issues. Thus, it supports local stakeholders (public, private, civil society) to ensure their coordination for the promotion of inclusive, ethic, and multi-player economic development, via their tripartite partnership (3P + S). Indeed, we are involved in the strengthening of Public-Private-Civil Society partnerships.
Support to subvention research and training in business management
The objective is to contribute to the economic revitalization of a region by responding to funding difficulties and a lack of knowledge of business processes. Moreover, we encourage the emergence of small businesses via training to develop the technical and managerial skills.